"Oh we ain't got a barrel of money, our clothes may be ragged and funny, but we're travelin' along. singin' a song. side by side."
As far back as i can remember this song has been sung in my family. I can remember riding around in my Mimi's van (one of many) singing along with her. I couldn't have been anymore than three or four when she decided i was going to be a singer. She recognized that i could sing on key and thus the practicing began. The first song i ever sang in church by myself was God bless the USA (it was during desert storm) i was four. We rode around in her van practicing that constantly. (i loved it)
Mimi at age six
Today, she would have been seventy-six. It's been three months since she went to be with Jesus, and i miss her like crazy. Life just isn't the same without her. She was my best-friend, favorite cook, biggest supporter, role-model....the list goes on... Something tells me she is having a wonderful birthday in heaven with her mom, dad and all her close friends who went to be with Jesus before her.
Mimi and her mom (granny walters)
I'm so thankful for the time i had to spend with her and that she got to spend some time with my babies. Lily Grace still prays for her every night. (she misses her too)
She's the only person I've ever known that truly loved unconditionally everyone she met. She had a smile that made you feel at home and a heart for people. I hope one day i can be half the woman she was.
For now, I'll keep candy dishes on the table because she did I'll start a spoon collection because she did most importantly, I'll love with everything i have, forgive and sing for Jesus because she wouldn't have it any other way.
Side by Side.....