Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pageant baby

so i just entered Saylor into her very first beauty pageant.  At her age Lily Grace already had around five pageants under her belt and absolutely loved it!  She's been asking me for a while to let her be in another one, so i figured now is as good a time as any to start Saylor.  She will be wearing Lily Grace's first pageant dress (that mimi bought her) so that's really special. I can't wait to see what my littlest monkey is gonna do on stage.  Most of the time she's a bundle of personality, but at her age who knows?!   The most important thing to me is that my girls have fun!  I have so many great memories as a little girl of pageants.  We had a big grey conversion van with a TV and clothes rack (oh yeah, it was fancy) and we drove all over North and South Carolina doing pageants.  I made friends that i still talk to, and gained stage presence, poise and the ability to speak in front of a crowd.

 Lily Grace Playing with friends she made at the SC princess pageant

 My hope is that my girls gain all of these things and more.  There's so much more to pageants than just winning a crown or having a "pretty face".  I want my girls to know that you have to be beautiful on the inside to be beautiful on the outside.  Make sure to check back and see how they did!  No matter what happens, this momma will be proud!

My adorable nephews and Lily Grace at one of her pageants

Friday, September 23, 2011

Fall is here/owl cupcakes

It's official....Fall is upon us. It doesn't feel too much like fall, but I'm not complaining.  The hubby got us tickets to the USC game (go gamecocks!) tomorrow and I've decided to embrace the weather that is allowing me to wear the adorable strapless (garnet) dress i got for it. Tonight we are celebrating my mother- in- laws birthday (Happy Birthday Donna) and when i first saw these cupcakes i immediately thought of her! She plays "Whoo'per the owl in The Big Attic" at church and does a great job! They were super easy and turned out SO cute i thought I'd share them with you!

All you need is : Oreos, Chocolate cake mix, chocolate frosting, cupcake liners, and brown and orange m&m's

1. Make the cupcakes
2. ice them ( i put mine in the freezer right out of the oven so they cool faster)
3. split one oreo and place them side by side on the cupcake
4. dot each oreo with some left over icing and place a brown m&m on each one for the eyes
5. place an orange m&m underneath the eyes for the nose
6. enjoy!

Perfect for Fall and Tasty too!

Happy birthday to my wonderful mother-in-law (aka Big Momma) who gets more beautiful with age! We love you!

Big Momma with all the grandkids

Whoo'per the Owl!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

side by side

"Oh we ain't got a barrel of money, our clothes may be ragged and funny, but we're travelin' along. singin' a song. side by side."

 As far back as i can remember this song has been sung in my family.  I can remember riding around in my Mimi's van (one of many) singing along with her.  I couldn't have been anymore than three or four when she decided i was going to be a singer.  She recognized that i could sing on key and thus the practicing began.   The first song i ever sang in church by myself was God bless the USA (it was during desert storm) i was four.  We rode around in her van practicing that constantly. (i loved it) 

Mimi at age six

Today, she would have been seventy-six.  It's been three months since she went to be with Jesus, and i  miss her like crazy.  Life just isn't the same without her.  She was my best-friend, favorite cook, biggest supporter, role-model....the list goes on...  Something tells me she is having a wonderful birthday in heaven with her mom, dad and all her close friends who went to be with Jesus before her. 

Mimi and her mom (granny walters) 

I'm so thankful for the time i had to spend with her and that she got to spend some time with my babies. Lily Grace still prays for her every night. (she misses her too) 

She's the only person I've ever known that truly loved unconditionally everyone she met.  She had a smile that made you feel at home and a heart for people.  I hope one day i can be half the woman she was.

For now, I'll keep candy dishes on the table because she did I'll start a spoon collection because she did  most importantly, I'll love with everything i have, forgive and sing for Jesus because she wouldn't have it any other way.

Side by Side.....

Monday, September 19, 2011

Chalkboard Label Jars

So i kinda went m.i.a. on you guys for a while...sorry about that....it's been crazy busy around the Patterson house lately.  Lily Grace started back to dance, Christmas rehearsals at narroway have begun and work has been kicking my tail.  Nevertheless, I'm back and ready to share this cute/convenient craft with y'all!  I saw it on Pinterest (my new addiction obsession) and i knew i had to make it!  Lucky for me i had all the supplies except for the jars that i found at ikea for 3.99 a piece! Deal!  Love Love Love ikea by the way....if you haven't been there....GO! (you won't be disappointed!)  they even have a play are for children who are potty trained....why doesn't the mall have this??  (somebody should totally open an adult supervised play area at the mall :)  Back to the point of this post... here it is......Chalkboard Label Jars.  Happy Crafting!

you will need : Glass jar(s), chalkboard paint (i used valspar, but any can of paint will do. Just don't buy chalkboard spray paint), painter's tape , paint brush.

This is what the jars looked like when i bought them. (nothing fancy, just a glass jar with a stainless lid).

First, i taped off the area i would be painting with the chalkboard paint.  I was out of painter's tape so i grabbed the closest thing i could find....electrical tape...not ideal, but i was in a pinch and didn't wanna run back out to the store! (here's what it looked like after i taped it off.  i didn't measure anything, just eyeballed it, but you totally could if you want it to be perfect.

Next, i painted a coat of chalkboard paint inside the area i taped. (it says to let dry for 24 hours but I'm waaaay to impatient for that so as i soon as i saw it was drying i layered on the second coat.  It took me three coats to get the thickness i was going for.
i got this brush at the dollar tree! it came in a pack of 8

When it had dried for a couple hours i pulled the tape off and Voila! i had three jars i could label with whatever i desired.  I used two jars for cookies and one for bagels, but the possibilities are endless.  Here is the finished product.

How cute are these?!  I also have chalkboard markers in an assortment of colors that would be really cute for labeling.  Lily Grace used them to do this today....

Not exactly what i had in mind when i bought her easel this weekend, but hey....she's creative!

Hope everyone is having a fabulous week! if you haven't yet, check out pinterest and follow me at http://pinterest.com/lauraepatterson/ 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Baked Oatmeal

i love oatmeal. seriously, i eat it almost every morning.  I got this recipe from a friend a while back and it quickly became a favorite in our home. Everyone loves it (even Lily Grace, which is amazing because she's super picky).  Hope you enjoy it as much as we do!


3 cups rolled oats
1 cup brown sugar
2 teaspoons cinnamon
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
2 eggs
1/2 cup melted butter
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
3/4 cup dried cranberries


1. preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. mix all ingredients together in a large bowl
3. transfer to a 13x9 baking dish (grease with cooking spray)
4. Bake in preheated oven 25-30 minutes
5. Enjoy

* This is the original recipe. I use half the brown sugar, 1 cup of applesauce instead of butter and almond milk instead of 2 %.  (cuts the calories way down)

* you can mix in anything! bananas, raisins, nuts, pumpkin (go crazy :)

* the consistency of the oatmeal will be "cake-like". I pour milk over mine, but i have cut a square and eaten it by hand on a "rush out of the door" kinda morning.

Happy Tuesday!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


I was sixteen years old, sitting in Mrs. Butler's tenth grade geometry class when the principal announced over the intercom for everyone to turn on the television.  I remember thinking to myself as i watched the second plane hit the tower...."this can't be real"....."are there really people that would do something like this"?  At sixteen, you aren't really concerned (at least i wasn't) about the happenings of tomorrow.  I didn't really think about consequences too much, just kind of "lived for the moment".  This act of pure evil shook me to the core.  It was then that i realized, in an instant, life could change forever.  I begin to consider the lives of others and my own. I started to soak in life's blessings a little more and love a little deeper. In a way, i think i "grew up" that day.  I was stripped of some childhood innocence, only to have it replaced by a burning desire to live more fully.  The people that went to work that day and never came home, weren't given that chance.  It still boggles my mind that thousands of people died that day, and as i type this their family members are remembering the lives they once lived.  When my children are older, I will make sure they know and understand the lives that were lost on this day.  I'll make sure they know that men and women are still fighting for our freedom everyday, sometimes losing the battle, because of 9/11.  When i pray with my babies tonight I'll pray a prayer of thanksgiving, for the time we still have to Live and for the families of the men and women who didn't get that chance. I'll pray for our country in hopes that we would come back to God and the principles we were founded on.  Live life like your world will change tomorrow. 

Where were you on that September day?

God Bless America

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It's the most wonderful time of the year...

No. I'm not talking about Christmas (although i love it too), I'm talking about Fall! According to my calendar, the "official first day of fall is Sept. 23rd", but since this is back......

(Pumpkin Spice Latte)

I'm gonna declare Sept. 6th the first day of fall and dream about changing leaves, ugg boots, knit sweaters and babies in little crocheted hats.

This weekend we bid farewell to beach days for a little while, and though I'm sure I'll be wishing for it's prompt return when winter arrives, for now, I'm so looking forward to weekends at the Cabin with precious friends, morning walks with bundled babies, pumpkin oatmeal, football games.....the list goes on.

Preschool is in full swing, and for Lily Grace, Fall brings field trips to the Apple orchard and Pumpkin Patch. She came home today talking about "Johnny Apple -See"  ( told me he got his name cause he "saw" a lot of apples.)  So....we had a lesson at home about Johnny-apple- Seed. :)  I can't believe how much she's grown up in the past couple of months..... walks right in to her class by herself and only looks back to wave goodbye and blow kisses to her sister. 

my sweet Saylor is growing too.  talking more and more everyday, and loves to make us laugh.  We went to see "Aunt Erin" today at the salon (so proud of her) and it wasn't long before all the stylist were coming over to talk to her.  One even brought her paper and crayons (fyi..you only have half of your pink crayon....mommy was distracted and didn't notice her chowing down).  I love that she smiles at everyone and had to be close enough to the chair to hold my hand while i was getting my hair done.  I love that sweet baby.

speaking of that sweet baby, she's up from her nap and  .....i've got snuggling to do :)

Happy first day of fall ya'll!  Go get yourself a Pumpkin Spice Latte....you won't regret it.