Sunday, September 11, 2011


I was sixteen years old, sitting in Mrs. Butler's tenth grade geometry class when the principal announced over the intercom for everyone to turn on the television.  I remember thinking to myself as i watched the second plane hit the tower...."this can't be real"....."are there really people that would do something like this"?  At sixteen, you aren't really concerned (at least i wasn't) about the happenings of tomorrow.  I didn't really think about consequences too much, just kind of "lived for the moment".  This act of pure evil shook me to the core.  It was then that i realized, in an instant, life could change forever.  I begin to consider the lives of others and my own. I started to soak in life's blessings a little more and love a little deeper. In a way, i think i "grew up" that day.  I was stripped of some childhood innocence, only to have it replaced by a burning desire to live more fully.  The people that went to work that day and never came home, weren't given that chance.  It still boggles my mind that thousands of people died that day, and as i type this their family members are remembering the lives they once lived.  When my children are older, I will make sure they know and understand the lives that were lost on this day.  I'll make sure they know that men and women are still fighting for our freedom everyday, sometimes losing the battle, because of 9/11.  When i pray with my babies tonight I'll pray a prayer of thanksgiving, for the time we still have to Live and for the families of the men and women who didn't get that chance. I'll pray for our country in hopes that we would come back to God and the principles we were founded on.  Live life like your world will change tomorrow. 

Where were you on that September day?

God Bless America

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